Development of a demulsifier and technological process study for the preparation of highly viscous heavy oils for refinement
1 Laboratory of Constitution and Reaction of Matter (LCRM), UFR Sciences of the Structures of Matter and Technology, Felix Houphouët-Boigny University, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, 22 BP 582 Abidjan 22.
2 Laboratory of Industrial Processes for Synthesis, Environment, and New Energies, National Polytechnic Institute Felix Houphouët-Boigny, Yamoussoukro, Côte d’Ivoire.
Research Article
GSC Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 21(01), 065–081.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscarr.2024.21.1.0363
Publication history:
Received on 25 August 2024; revised on 11 October 2024; accepted on 14 October 2024
One of the challenges in the petroleum industry is the production of highly viscous heavy oils, often accompanied by undesirable emulsion formation with very high aggregate stability. To prepare the crude oils for refinement, the oils must be destroyed. The destruction of aqueous emulsions containing highly viscous heavy oils is an intricate task owing to the comparatively small disparity in water and oil densities, as well as the high viscosity of the dispersive medium and its high content of mechanical impurities.
The problem of the destruction of petroleum emulsions arises desperately during the desalination and dehydration of crude oils with a high content of emulsifiers (resins, asphalts, paraffin, etc.) The creation of a highly efficient demulsifier and the development of an optimal technological process for the preparation of highly emulsifying oils that are distinguished by the composition and quantity of emulsifiers of West Siberian oils, which are widely refined in Russia, are the ways to resolve this challenging and timely issue. This study focuses on the viscous heavy oil of the Verbliouje deposit in the Astrakhan region. It also explains the creation of an effective demulsifier for the destruction of petroleum emulsions characterized by a very high emulsifying power and the fundamental principles of the development of deep dehydration technology and desalination of such high-viscosity heavy oils.
Emulsions stability; Demulsifier; Heavy oils; Dehydration of crude oil; Desalination
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