Effect of three pretreatments on germination and nursery growth of Erythrophleum ivorense a. Chev, Aa little-known timber species in Cote d'Ivoire

Golou Gizèle ZANH 1, *, Lisette Zeh TOKPA 2, Adjo Annie Yvette ASSALE 1, Beda Innocent ADJI 2 and Yao Sadaiou Sabas BARIMA 1

1 Biodiversity and Tropical Ecology Laboratory, Environmental Training and Research Unit, Jean Lorougnon Guédé University, BP 150, Daloa, Cote d'Ivoire
² Laboratory for the Amelioration of Agricultural Production, Agroforestry Training and Research Unit, Jean Lorougnon Guédé University, BP 150, Daloa, Cote d'Ivoire.
Research Article
GSC Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 21(01), 456–462.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscarr.2024.21.1.0401
Publication history: 
Received on 16 September 2024; revised on 24 October 2024; accepted on 26 October 2024.
Erythrophleum ivorense (A. chev), commonly known as Tali, is a tropical timber species found in savannah and forest zones. It is used for a wide range of purposes. The aim of this study is to contribute to the improvement of seed germination and seedling growth of Erythrophleum ivorense in nurseries by developing effective pre-treatment methods that will lead to a rapid lifting of seed dormancy. To achieve this, four pre-treatments were applied to Erythrophleum ivorense seeds. These were the control with no pretreatment (T0), soaking the seeds in ordinary water for 48 h (T1) and soaking the seeds in 95% dilute sulfuric acid for 20 min (T2). Germination and growth data were taken and statistically tested. The best germination rate was recorded when the seeds were soaked in 95% sulfuric acid for 20 min, with a value of 86%, while the lowest rate was obtained when the seeds were soaked in ordinary water for 48 h (10%). The analyses also showed that the different pre-treatments had a significant effect on growth parameters. Growth in height, diameter and number of leaves was greater in seedlings whose seeds had been treated with 95% dilute sulfuric acid for 20 min, with respective values of (19.19±4.13b; 14.55±0.43b; 6.51±1.75b).
Pre-treatment with 95% dilute sulfuric acid for 20 min could be proposed for nursery propagation of Erythrophleum ivorense for long-term conservation. However, it should be used with precaution.
Timber; Nursery propagation; Erythrophleum ivorense; Conservation; Côte d’Ivoire
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