The mining town of Cracow, Queensland: Medicine and the Public Hospital 1931-1956

Peter Stride *

University of Queensland School of Medicine, Australia.
GSC Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 14(03), 064–102
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscarr.2023.14.3.0066
Publication history: 
Received on 08 January 2023; revised on 18 February 2023; accepted on 21 February 2023
Cracow, Queensland, as opposed to the ancient city of Krakow in Poland, is a small town in central Queensland, Australia, notable between the 1930s and 1970s as a busy gold mining town. The clinical load of the hospital and details of the doctors who attended that facility between those dates are researched and analysed. Comparisons are made with other mining towns in Australia of previous decades, and specifically of the mine safety systems and compensation payments for miners to ascertain whether improvements had been made since the early days of mining in Australia in the 1880s. 
Cracow; Hospital; Mining; Safety systems; Accidents/
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