Pandemic impact on population structure

Yurii V. Ezepchuk * and Larisa N. Skuratovskaya 

 2937 S. Revere St. Aurora, Denver, CO, 80 014 USA.
Review Article
GSC Advanced Research and Reviews, 2022, 13(03), 193-197.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscarr.2022.13.3.0361
Publication history: 
Received on 02 November 2022; revised on 12 December 2022; accepted on 15 December 2022
The victims of the first wave of the pandemic caused by the coronavirus COVID-19 were tens of millions of people in the population inhabiting the Earth. A previously unknown strain of COVID 19, which has a specific affinity for lung tissue and high contagiousness, has demonstrated a global danger to the life of the population of the entire planet. The pathogenicity of the virus is due to a three-segment structure, in which the RNA-containing segment, which is a pathogenicity factor responsible for specific lesions, most likely has an enzymatic nature.
Population; COVID 19; Pathogenesis; A three -segments structure of virus
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