The rights of the recipient state under the technology transfer contract

Hasanain Makki Joodi *

College of Law – University of Kerbala, Iraq.
Review Article
GSC Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 20(03), 187–196.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscarr.2024.20.3.0337
Publication history: 
Received on 05 August 2024; revised on 17 September 2024; accepted on 20 September 2024
The rapid scientific advancements in developed countries have led to the emergence of practical applications of these scientific. Often, developing nations seek to get these modern technologies by entering into technology transfer contracts with providers. However, the lack of comprehensive legislative regulation in Iraqi law necessitates a closer examination of the legal framework regarding technology transfer contracts to protect the rights of recipient states. This article seeks to address the legislative gaps and analyze the rights of recipient states in these contracts, drawing insights from comparative legal perspectives. The topic is divided into two main sections: the first explores the nature of recipient state rights. In contrast, the second section delves into the legislative positions within Iraq and comparative laws regarding these rights.
Recipient State; Technology Transfer Contract; State’s Rights; Licensee; Technology Provider.
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