Aloe vera and Bixa orellana in a revitalizing ointment for cattle skin injuries

Yanira Zaita Ferrer 1, Leonor I. Parra Flores 2, Rigoberto Fimia Duarte 1, 3, *, David del Valle Laveaga 2, Milena Galbán Díaz 1, Miriela Hernández del Río 1, Migdalia Artiles González 1 and Raquel Bauta Bauta 1

1 Faculty of Health Technology and Nursing (FTSE), University of Medical Sciences of Villa Clara (UCM-VC), Cuba.
2 Academic Area of Health, Maya World University, México.
3 Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas, Villa Clara, Cuba.
Research Article
GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2022, 20(01), 001–011.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscbps.2022.20.1.0256
Publication history: 
Received on 21 May 2022; revised on 26 June 2022; accepted on 28 June 2022
Phytopharmaceuticals constitute a therapy that, when carried out on a scientific basis, becomes a necessary, safe, effective and, above all, economical alternative in the confrontation of diseases that affect humans and other animals, for the achievement of health. The objective of the research was to evaluate the effectiveness of a revitalizing ointment of Aloe vera L and Bixa orellana L for skin lesions in cattle. The methods used correspond to the transversal research for case control, a total of 76 animals of the classified by categories, females and males of mestizo breeds, belonging to the Basic Livestock Unit "Liberation of Caibarién", Caibarien, Villa Clara, Cuba were selected during the year 2019 where there were problems with the iron marking, the lesions and the statistical equivalence in both groups were taken into account. From the benefits of the two medicinal plants, an ointment was elaborated to treat skin lesions such as burns, wounds and in general, any lesion that tends to chronicity or infection and therefore it is required to accelerate the healing process. The revitalizing ointment proved to be a good healing agent, since it helps the prompt recovery of the lesions and of the animals. In no case did allergic reactions or irritation occur. Since there are difficulties with the acquisition of healing ointments in veterinary medicine, it constitutes an effective and economical alternative treatment, with a positive impact on livestock and industrial production, as well as on the environmental aspect.
Aloe Vera; Bixa Orellana; Cattle; Skin Lesions; Revitalizing Ointment
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