Determination of the factors affecting covid-19 vaccine acceptance among the university students of Centro Escolar University-Manila

Charis C. Capis *, Kathleen Anne T. Bunquin, Genevie Diane T. Cardona, Dandy Joshua M. De Ramos, Ronia Mae M. Gadduang, Ma. Dionys Angelique E. Lañada, Mikaela B. Najera, Jen Bernadine W. Nava, Ella Joyce C. Reyes and Reilla Joy C. Valeña

School of Pharmacy, Centro Escolar University, Mendiola Manila, Philippines.
Research Article
GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2022, 20(01), 270–276.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscbps.2022.20.1.0285
Publication history: 
Received on 05 June 2022; revised on 16 July 2022; accepted on 18 July 2022
The disease outbreak, Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19), occurred in December 2019 in Wuhan, China and later spread throughout the world. As a result, community quarantines were implemented and school systems have undergone transition as mandated by the government. While the facts about the vaccines have expanded significantly across different demographics, there’s still a significant amount of hesitancy among younger groups, and even more so due to conflicting views of the importance of vaccines and vaccination equity in general [1]. The researchers conducted this study to examine why there is hesitancy regarding Covid vaccines. The researcher chose respondents from Centro Escolar University-Manila campus because (a) they have first-hand knowledge of the resources and (b) they are still within the younger group of individuals who would give positive feedback on vaccine utilization. This survey seeks to determine if CEU-Manila students accept, support, or oppose the required distribution of vaccines, particularly since that face-to-face classis are being trialed in several regions, indicating that this may also occur in medical schools in Metro Manila. In addition, the outcome of this study could be beneficial to (a) Professional Health Workers and (b) Local Government and National Health Agency.
Awareness; Social responsibility; Mandatory vaccine; Vaccine acceptance; COVID-19; COVID-19 vaccine
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