The effectiveness of early mobilization program to improve pain level, intestinal peristaltic and physiologic paramaters on post-surgery patients

Dewi Prabawati 1, * and Farel Tania 2

1 Nursing Program, Nursing Faculty, STIK Sint Carolus, Jakarta, Indonesia.
2 Department of Nursing, Mitra Keluarga Hospital, Bekasi, Indonesia.
Research Article
GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2024, 28(03), 001–006.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscbps.2024.28.3.0299
Publication history: 
Received on 02 July 2024; revised on 14 August 2024; accepted on 17 August 2024
Introduction: Surgery is an invasive medical procedure which performed to diagnose or treat illness, injury, or disability. The decrease of intestinal peristaltic and incidence of pain may occur as a result of these actions; moreover, it affects blood pressure and other physiologic parameters; thus, will make prolong the healing period because it will interfere with the patient activity and become one of the reasons for the patient unwilling to perform early mobilization.
Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of early mobilization program to improve pain level, intestinal peristaltic and physiologic parameters on Post Surgery Patients.
Method: This study used quasi experimental design with One – Group Pretest-Posttest, and there were 33 patients which chosen using total sampling technique. Pain level, intestinal peristaltic, blood pressure, heart rate and body temperature were measured at before and after 3 days intervention of early mobilization program.
Result: Wilcoxon statistical analysis revealed significant difference in decreasing levels on pain, increasing intestinal peristaltic, decreasing systolic blood pressure and decreasing heart rate (p<0.05) at before compared to after intervention of early mobilization on post-surgery patients. Multivariate analysis showed that intervention of early mobilization, age and type of surgery simultaneously affect dependent variables ((p<0.05; moreover, the r-squared is 0.727 which indicates that early mobilization intervention contributed 72.7% to changes in pain level, intestinal peristaltic and physiologic parameters.
Conclusion: It is suggested that nurses should perform and apply early mobilization program to post surgery patients, because of its positive impact to patient will faster patient’s recovery process.
Early mobilization; Intestinal Peristaltic; Level of Pain; Physiologic parameter; Surgery
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