Estimation of prothrombin time, activated partial thromboplastin time and thrombocytes among Sudanese patients with diabetes

Omer Ibrahim Abdallah Mohammed *

Omdurman Islamic University, Faculty of Medical Laboratory Sciences, Department of Hematology, Khartoum, Sudan.
Research Article
GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2020, 10(01), 034-038.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscbps.2020.10.1.0250
Publication history: 
Received on 25 December 2019; revised on 12 January 2020; accepted on 13 January 2020
Diabetes mellitus is a common disease in Sudan, and it is a major cause of morbidity, several studies indicate that diabetes is a likely under reported as cause of death. This study aimed to evaluate of Prothrombin Time, Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time and Thrombocytes among Sudanese Patients with diabetes. This study includes 57 patients have diabetic and 20 persons as control. The blood coagulation markers, PT, INR and aPTT were measured by coagulation analyzer and thrombocytes count by hematological analyzer (Sysmex). Data analysis was performed using statistical package for social science (SPSS) software. Evaluation of patient’s data was performed using the t-test and Pearson correlation test. Results with p value < 0.05 were considered as statistically significant. This study concluded that patients with diabetes mellitus are more prone to develop hypercoagulation state, and it may be close to that diabetic patients are accelerated to develop coagulation impairment. Routine examinations of PT, INR, APTT and Thrombocyte count are important to assess coagulation impairment among diabetic patients in order to prevent any thromboembolic complication.
PT; INR PTT; Platelet; Diabetes
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