The response of some calendula cultivars (Calendula officinalis L.) to salt during the germination period

Cenk PAŞA *

Departments of Plant and Animal Production, Altınoluk Vocational School, Medicinal and Aromatical Plant Programme, Altınoluk, Balıkesir University, Edremit, Balıkesir, Turkey.
Research Article
GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2022, 21(02), 263-268.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscbps.2022.21.2.0450
Publication history: 
Received on October 2022; revised on 24=5 November 2022; accepted on 28 November 2022
Calendula officinalis L. is one of the important medicinal plants known as "Pot marigold" in the world and has become widespread in recent years due to its medicinal and economic importance.
Salt stress is one of the important abiotic stress factors that limits crop productivity by affecting the growth of plants, especially in arid and semi-arid regions. These negative effects of salt stress, which affects growth and development by causing osmotic and ion stress in plants; It varies depending on the type of salt, the level and duration of the stress, the genotype of the plant exposed to the stress and the developmental stage.
This research was carried out to determine the effects on some physiological parameters of calendula (Calendula officinalis) plant grown under different salt (NaCl) dose applications (control, 50, 100 and 150 mM). Parameters such as germination time, germination rate, root and stem length, root and stem length of calendula plant were investigated. As a result of the research; The effect of salt stress on the investigated parameters was found to be statistically significant. It was determined that increasing salt concentrations decreased germination rate, germination time, stem and root length.
Calendula officinalis; NaCl; Germination; Salinity
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