Study of genetic diversity of chilli germplasm conserved in bangladesh through multivariate analysis

M. Nazirul Islam 1, *, Sajia Rahman 1, M. Rezwan Molla 2, Quazi Maruf Ahmed 1, Ifterkhar Ahmed 2 and Sreekanth Attaluri 3

1 Plant Genetic Resource Centre, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Gazipur, Bangladesh.
2 Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
3 SAARC Agriculture Centre, Dhaka, Bangladesh., BARI.
Research Article
GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2024, 28(03), 027–037.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscbps.2024.28.3.0141
Publication history: 
Received on 13 April 2024; revised on 27 July 2024; accepted on 30 July 2024
Objective: This research work has been aimed to reveal genetic diversity in morphological traits. It is also important for genotype selection for breeding purpose, even in evaluation and conservation of their diverse gene pool.
Method: Genetic variation was evaluated in Eighty-two chilli (Capsicum spp.) genotypes for fifteen morphological traits through descriptive statistics, PCA, and cluster analysis. 3.1. Mapping of locations and germplasm distribution using DIVA-GIS computer program.
Result: DIVA-GIS computer program has localized accessions into 10 districts (administrative units). The descriptive statistics revealed substantial variations in the traits yield plant-1, number of fruit plant-1, individual fruit weight, days to 50% flowering, days to 50% fruiting, fruit width, and 1000 seed weight. Multivariate analysis grouped the collection into 5 clusters. Inter-cluster distance between clusters III and IV was found to be maximum followed by between clusters I- III and III -V. Cluster III possessed genotypes having maximum yield, earliness, and dwarf plant stature.
Conclusion: Considering group distance, mean performance, and variability the inter-genotypic crosses between Cluster III and Cluster IV, Cluster I and Cluster III, and Cluster III cluster V may be suggested to use for future hybridization programs.
Capsicum; Genebank; Chilli; Germplasm; PGRC; BARI; Bangladesh
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