Overview of implantable and injectable biomaterials in immunotherapy
Department of Biotechnology RV College of Engineering, Bangalore-560-059, Karnataka, India.
Review Article
GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2021, 16(01), 195–201.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscbps.2021.16.1.0208
Publication history:
Received on 19 June 2021; revised on 25 July 2021; accepted on 27 July 2021
Immunotherapy has shown promising applications in cancer treatment as it boosts the systemic immune response. Existing immunotherapy strategies have certain drawbacks which can be addressed by engineered biomaterials. In this review, we focused on advanced immunotherapy methods involving implantable and injectable biomaterials for the treatment of cancer. Engineered biomaterials as carriers for immunomodulatory agents aid in the local drug delivery, thus reducing the frequency of off-target side effects. Also, biomaterial-based cancer vaccines have the potential to target specific tissues by finely altering the physical properties of the drug to achieve desired drug release kinetics.
Immunotherapy; Implantable biomaterial; Injectable biomaterial; Hydrogels; Colony stimulating factors (CSFs)
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