A medical predictive system for comparative analysis of fetal parameters
Computer Science Department, Caritas University, Amorji Nike Enugu, Enugu State, Nigeria.
Research Article
GSC Advanced Engineering and Technology, 2021, 01(02), 021-030.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscaet.2021.1.2.0032
Publication history:
Received on 10 May 2021; revised on 10 July 2021; accepted on 13 July 2021
A medical predictive system for comparative analysis of fetal parameters” was motivated by the high rate of fetal loss in Nigeria which mostly occurs as a result of wrong medical predictive system. To solve this problem, software that will identify the fetal parameters that predicts the gestational age was developed. The new model will be a hybrid model. It will combine the Nagele’s Rule and Mittendorf Rule to predict the fetal parameter. The new model will take the average of the two models as the predicted date of delivery. In this new system, it is noteworthy to name some ways of determining gestational age based on Last Menstrual Period (LMP). Therefore the proposed model will be a combination of the two model taking average of the number of days to be added to the LMP. This will be used to determine the Expected Date of Delivery in the new system designed. A platform for solving complication problems due to low and excessive birth weights at delivery by accurately estimating fetal parameters (Fetal Weight, Fetal Age, Conception Date, and Delivery Date) was implemented. This was implemented using externally generated data by combining the independent information about fetal size obtained from the three different approaches (i.e. clinical examination, quantitative assessment of maternal characteristics, ultrasonographic fetal biometry). Expert system methodology and Object Oriented Analysis and Design Methodology (OOADM) were adopted in the design of the predictive system. The new system allows the patients to access their antenatal visit records from any internet access point and the software developed helps physicians to accurately estimate the gestational age of the fetus and hence provide a support tool for estimating Gestation Age and to establish accuracy indicators that will provide tolerances for its later use in growth and health evaluation.
Predictive system; ultrasonographic; Last Menstrual Period; Mittendorf Rule; Nagele’s Rule; Fetal parameter
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