Optimized model for rapid battery charging using constant current constant voltage protocol

Emeruwa, C * and Edem, M. E.

Department of Physics, Federal University Otuoke, Nigeria.
Research Article
GSC Advanced Engineering and Technology, 2022, 02(01), 062–068.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscaet.2021.2.1.0025
Publication history: 
Received on 01 January 2022; revised on 03 Februay 2022; accepted on 05 Februay 2022
This research, which aims to find the best constant current, constant voltage parameters for charging a battery in the quickest time possible, subjects battery cells to varied charging and discharge rates in order to determine their rate capabilities. Cycling the cells using constant current, constant voltage charge in 60 minutes and 90 minutes discharge for 400 cycles examines the effects of the charging current Charge Rate and the voltage limit for the constant voltage on the battery's discharge capacity. The results obtained showed that 1.3C-rate and 4.3V voltage limit produced the utmost discharge capacity and cycle life. During the cycling period, the cell temperature was under 39°C with a capacity loss after 400 cycles of 8%. A 3 percent capacity gain was seen after charging the batteries using the cccv methodology for 180 minutes and then discharging them for 120 minutes. This low capacity loss after 400 cycles suggests that an optimal charging model employing the cccv protocol is possible.
Battery; Cells; Constant Current; Constant Voltage; C-Rate; Discharge Capacity
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