Study of dissolve oxygen, salinity and temperature around western Offshore: A case study around ONGC’S offshore Filed (HRA & NLM platform), Arabian Sea, India

Rajkumar Mandal * and N N Ray

IPSHEM, ONGC, Goa, India.
Research Article
GSC Advanced Engineering and Technology, 2022, 03(01), 044–051.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscaet.2022.3.1.0030
Publication history: 
Received on 09 February 2022; revised on 11 March 2022; accepted on 13 March 2022
Marine ecosystems cover approximately 71% of the Earth's surface and contain approximately 97% of the planet's water. Dissolve oxygen, which is a vital parameter in Ocean’s primary production, is having a sensitive integrating property reflecting physical and biogeochemical changes in the marine environment. The dissolve oxygen in the sea water is affected by parameters such as high organic load, high temperature and high salinity level. The higher the oil pollution load, less will be the dissolved oxygen concentration level. The solubility of oxygen decrease as temperature increases. Dissolved oxygen decreases exponentially as salt levels increase. Thus temperature and salinity have a great impact upon biological productivity and are important to understand the dynamics of water column. Nearly all living organisms need oxygen in order to carry out their biological processes. By analyzing the variation of dissolve oxygen, temperature and salinity, environmental status of that particular study area can be assessed. As a preventive measure to protect water bodies, Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited, India is regularly conducting Offshore Environment Monitoring around western continental shelf of Arabian Sea, where ONGC’s Platforms and Installations are located.
An attempt has been made for assessment of marine environment around ONGC’s offshore Filed (HRA & NLM platform), Arabian Sea by the study of dissolve oxygen, salinity and Temperature etc. The paper includes the output of monitoring activities of ONGC considering three parameters i.e. temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen for assessing the environmental health of the study area. The study of the three parameters ONGC’s offshore Filed (HRA & NLM platform) has been done considering the monitoring data for the year 2020-21 and their variation has been studied with the values of Reference location (situated at 10 km from the installation). It has been observed from the study that there is no significant changes in the mean values of three parameters compared to the reference mean values. This clearly establishes that the oil production activities at HRA & NLM platform is not affecting the dissolve oxygen level around the installation. 
Dissolve Oxygen (DO); Temperature; Salinity; Arabian Sea; ONGC
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