On‐pump beating‐heart coronary artery bypass grafting: Single Center Experience and Literature Review

Konstantinos Triantafillou *

Department of Cardiac Surgery, Hippokration General Hospital, Athens, Greece.
Review Article
GSC Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 15(01), 081–087.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscarr.2023.15.1.0113
Publication history: 
Received on 27 February 2023; revised on 10 April 2023; accepted on 13 April 2023
Purpose: In this retrospective, observational, non-randomized study, we present the results of our department in on‐pump beating‐heart coronary artery bypass grafting and we review the relevant medical literature. 
Methods: All data related to patients who underwent on‐pump beating‐heart coronary artery bypass grafting at our center for three consecutive years were collected. These patients were classified into two groups: isolated bypass grafts or combined with aortic valve replacement. All data related to preoperative characteristics, procedural characteristics, and clinical outcomes are presented separately for the two groups.
Results: During the study period, 175 patients underwent on‐pump beating‐heart bypass grafting alone and 32 combined with aortic valve replacement. Despite higher than average Euroscore in both groups, mortality, and morbidity were satisfactory while the rate of complete revascularization was higher than previously reported for classic off-pump surgery.
Conclusion: On‐pump beating heart coronary artery bypass grafting offers an excellent alternative in the surgical treatment of coronary artery disease.  Patient selection is very important, and in the hands of skilled surgeons, it may prevent intraoperative complications and offer the appropriate revascularization, especially for high-risk patients. 
Coronary Artery Disease; Bypass Surgery; On‐pump beating heart; Aortic Valve Replacement
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