Antidermatophyte activity of ethanolic extracts of Daniellia oliveri (Fabaceae) and Parinari curatellifolia (Chrysobalanaceae) in Chad

BAKARNGA-VIA Issakou 1, YANKA Pihouli Payang 1, DJEKOTA Christophe 2, *, HAMIT Mahamat Alio 1, BRAHIM Boy Otchom 1, MBAIGOLMEM Béral Valéry 1 and ABDELSALAM Tidjani 1

1 Laboratory of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Faculty of Human Health Sciences, University of N'Djamena, B.P. 1027, N'Djamena/T Chad.
2 Laboratory of Natural Substances, Faculty of Exact and Applied Sciences, University of N’Djamena, B.P. 1027, N’Djamena/T chad.
Research Article
GSC Advanced Research and Reviews, 2022, 13(02), 170-179.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscarr.2022.13.2.0299
Publication history: 
Received on 30 September 2022; revised on 06 November 2022; accepted on 09 November 2022
Introduction: Skin health disease is still a public health problem. Concerning this situation, the study was conducted with the objective of enhancing the Chadian pharmacopoeia medicinal plants of Daniellia oliveri, Parinari curatellifolia who traditionally used in the treatment of fungal diseases particular dermatophytosis.
Methods: The agar incorporation method was used to determine the antidermatophyte activity of the ethanolic extracts of the barks of Daniellia oliveri and Parinari curatellifolia. In addition, a phytochemical study was carried out to link the structure to the activity.
Results: The phytochemical results revealed that the ethanolic extracts of the barks of Daniellia oliveri and Parinari curatellifolia are richer in secondary metabolites (flavonoids, anthocyanins, tannins, alkaloids, saponosides, glycosides, anthraquinones and free quinones). These ethanolic extracts of the barks of Daniellia oliveri and Parinari curatellifolia rich in secondary metabolites inhibited the growth of dermatophytes isolated from patients, for Trichophyton Schoenleinii, at the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of 0.75 mg/ml and Trichophyton rubrum and Microsporum canis at the same MIC of 1.5 mg/ml.
Conclusion: From this study, the bioactivity compounds highlighted that these plants could be a possible source for phytomedicinal developing against fungal infections (Dermatophytoses).
Daniellia oliveri; Parinari curatellifolia; Phytochemistry; Antidermatophyte
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