Comparative analysis of linear dynamic responses and undamped systems of soil-pile-footing interaction for various soil media
1 Department of Civil Engineering, Mahakal Institute of Technology and Management, Ujjain M.P. India.
2 Department of Civil Engineering, Ujjain Engineering College, Ujjain M.P. India.
GSC Advanced Research and Reviews, 2021, 08(01), 082-097.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscarr.2021.8.1.0146
Publication history:
Received on 08 June 2021; revised on 13 July 2021; accepted on 15 July 2021
It is seen from recent earthquakes that in case of fixed-base foundation system, damped systems have proved to be longing the lifespan of the structure by lengthening the lateral fundamental period that leads to higher damping in comparison to the assumptions of a fixed-base system.
In this study, to better understand the phenomenon involved in soil-pile interaction a finite element simulation model is developed in Abaqus FEA software. The numerical model made for transient analysis follows Rayleigh's Damping Coefficient model for material damping.
In this paper, a rational analysis of Dynamic Response of a Short-Bored Pile is made subject to axial load by the Finite Element Method. The analysis is performed using finite element Abaqus CAE software. The Soil media is developed for sand soil and clay soil with pile material as Mild Steel and RCC, and analysis is made for the combination of each material group with the incremental axial load. The same FE model is studied for damped material used in piles which results in a drastic change in displacement pattern.
Friction Soils; Cohesive Soil; Mohr-Coulomb; Abaqus CAE; Damping Response; Soil-Pile System
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