Comprehensive review on cross-cultural communication in global business

Jinyoung Hwang *

University of Edinburgh MA Social Policy and Economics, United Kingdom.
Review Article
GSC Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 20(02), 271-282.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscarr.2024.20.2.0270
Publication history: 
Received on 28 June 2024; revised on 20 August 2024; accepted on 23 August 2024
This dissertation focuses on the understanding of differences within intercultural communication by means of the global business environment. Therefore, it emphasizes the effect of cultural differences in the ways people communicate, use gestures and enter business relations. In this context, this study, applying the mixed-method research design, examines the experiences and best practices concerning the cross-cultural communication and the use of technology and media to build communication bridges. The outcomes raise concern on the applicability of high-context and low-context culture in the business communication as well as role of leadership and culture in determining business communication. It also outlines the strategies with which communication can be enhanced across cultures through useful technology, active culture acumen and diversity in communication. The research as a result establishes that in international business, the fundamental strategies that are most effective are knowledge of culture, use of technology and the management of culture risks on the business. This paper offers practical recommendations for organisations working to set up an international presence and highlighting the importance of a systematic approached to intercultural communication.
Cross-Cultural Global Business; Global Business Strategies; Cultural Differences; Communication; Communication Styles; Mixed-Methods Approach; Multinational Corporations
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