Development course and achievements of budget performance management of administrative institutions in China

Wang Wei 1, * and Zhao Shannan 2

1 University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing, China.
2 CITIC Guoan Group Co., Ltd., China.
Review Article
GSC Advanced Research and Reviews, 2022, 11(01), 100–105.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscarr.2022.11.1.0100
Publication history: 
Received on 04 March 2022; revised on 06 April 2022; accepted on 08 April 2022
The budget performance management of administrative institutions in China has gone through four stages: the initial stage of spontaneous exploration, the experimental stage of strengthening performance evaluation, the stage of establishing the concept of budget performance management in the whole process, and the new period of development of budget performance management. The budget performance management in China has gone through the development stage from the exploration of performance evaluation to the establishment of the whole process budget performance management concept. In recent years, China's administrative institutions' budget performance management has made remarkable progress, initially forming a whole-process budget performance management framework, gradually improving budget performance managem 你 ent rules and regulations, constantly expanding the scope of performance evaluation projects, actively expanding the depth of performance evaluation, consolidating the foundation of budget performance management, and improving the efficiency of financial funds.
China; Administrative institutions; Budget performance management; Development achievement
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