Enhancing mental health promotion of students with learning disabilities: The role of motivation and digital technologies

Agathi Stahopoulou * and Kyriaki Siskou

University of West Attica, Greece.
Review Article
GSC Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 16(01), 116–128.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscarr.2023.16.1.0307
Publication history: 
Received on 05 June 2023; revised on 12 July 2023; accepted on 14 July 2023
The present thesis is a literature review, whose aim is to examine the role of motivation both in children with learning disabilities and children without learning disabilities and establish whether motivation differs between children with and those without disabilities. The proposed questions concern the importance of motivation in children with and without learning disabilities, whether these children are able, through motivation, to improve their academic level, the possible differences in self-regulation and self-efficacy among students with and without learning disabilities and the value of intervention in promoting motivation.
The present study established that motivation is one of the most important factors that encourage children to learn. Children without learning disabilities, seem to be more motivated than children with learning disabilities. Children with learning disabilities, due to more limited skills, have to face a great number of failed academic performances, a fact which discourages them from continuing their effort to achieve success. A targeted intervention to enhance motivation in children with learning disabilities, is therefore necessary for their academic development.
Motivation; Learning Disabilities; Academic success; Self-regulation; Self- efficacy; Intervention. 
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