The Epimetheus Project: Searching for new authentic ‘contactees’ and the scientific information received from Extraterrestrial Intelligences

Julio C. Acosta-Navarro 1, 2, *, Rosemeire de Castro Fernandes 2, Roberto Freires Sampedro 2, Claudio de Oliveira Santos ², Ondina Paula de Moraes ², Heglair Silverio Alencar ², Carlos Alberto Medina Jr. ², Marcos Antonio Bento ², Dirceu Cardoso Machado ², Wilson Geraldo de Oliveira ², Fabiana Vallina ², Patrícia Milani ², Guilherme Mendes Joia ², Marcus Lima Batista ², Sebastiana Freschi ² and Tereza Albieri Baraldi ²

1 Clinical Division of the Heart Institute, Hospital das Cínicas, Faculty of Medicine, University of São Paulo (Heart Institute, School of Medicine, University of São Paulo), São Paulo, Brazil.
2 Member of the “Academia Latino Americana de Ufologia Científica” (Latin American Academy of Scientific Ufology - LAASU), São Paulo, Brazil.
Research Article
GSC Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 14(01), 159–187.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscarr.2023.14.1.0027
Publication history: 
Received on 12 December 2022; revised on 25 January 2023; accepted on 28 January 2023
The recent American congressional hearing was carried out after the Pentagon admitted the authenticity of encounters of UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects) with jets and released an unclassified version of a report investigating several cases. Previously in the Final Contact Project (FCP) investigating the probability of the authenticity of a series of alleged ‘contactees’ in Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind (CE5thK) and using an original approach, we found evidence to support that in some CE5thK advanced contact with Extraterrestrial Intelligences (ETI) with human beings is probably happening. In this study, the Epimetheus Project (EP), with a new team of researchers and using the same twelve-criteria method as the prior FCP, investigated a new series of 66 alleged CE5thK from the world, compared the results to the previous FCP, and present original variables from both studies. In the EP, we found 52 cases to have a low probability of authenticity, one case to be inconclusive evidence, and 13 cases having a high probability of being an authentic phenomenon. In comparison to FCP, the EP study had a significantly lower rate of cases of high probability of being authentic (19.7% vs. 34.755 respectively, p=0.048). In addition, we discuss the meaning of these results, and the information received in these CE5thK cases of high probability of being authentic, also including original information from both studies, such as historical characters cited, existence of intraterrestrial life, parallel worlds, and time travel. Our study confirmed that advanced contact from ETI with human beings on the Earth is occurring. The richness of new technical and scientific information received by authentic ‘contactees’ could represent a means of ‘technology’ transfer, with revolutionary potential for our society to develop and apply these benefits to the critical problems that risk mankind’s extinction.
Abduction; Close encounters; Contactees; Extraterrestrial intelligence; Technology transfer; Unidentified flying object
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