Exploding danger: A forensic analysis of the paint thinner explosion incident

Sandeep K Vaishnav, Pankaj Tamrakar *, Dinesh K Sahu and Rajesh Mishra

State Forensic Science Laboratory, Police line Campus, Tikrapara, Raipur, Chhattisgarh. India.
Case Study
GSC Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 16(02), 010–015.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscarr.2023.16.2.0322
Publication history: 
Received on 16 June 2023; revised on 25 July 2023; accepted on 28 July 2023
This case study examines a paint thinner explosion incident that occurred in a residential house, resulting in the loss of life, injuries and property damage. The study investigates the explosive characteristics of paint thinner, storage conditions, ignition sources, human factors, and the findings of a forensic investigation. The incident involved an individual attempting to open a plastic container of paint thinner, which exploded upon opening, causing the individual's incapacitation and subsequent death. Three family members standing nearby suffered serious injuries. The forensic investigation revealed accumulation of flammable vapors due to high temperatures and poor ventilation, potential ignition from nearby bamboo stick burning, inadequate safety measures, and human errors as contributing factors. The study emphasizes the importance of proper storage, handling, and training in dealing with flammable substances, as well as the need for effective safety measures and adherence to regulations to prevent such incidents in the future.
Paint thinner; Forensic investigation; Vapor pressure; Volatile Organic Compounds
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