Field trial to monitor the efficacy of some commercial poultry disinfection on Salmonella typhymurium through cold fogging
Department of Veterinary Hygiene and Environmental Pollution, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo University, Egypt. Giza-Egypt, 12211.
Research Article
GSC Advanced Research and Reviews, 2022, 10(01), 119–132.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscarr.2022.10.1.0040
Publication history:
Received on 22 December 2021; revised on 27 January 2022; accepted on 29 January 2022
The recovered results showed that: the incidence of Salmonella typhymurium in the observed commercial egg-layer flocks; the isolation of Salmonella typhymurium from 5 flocks (33.7 %) out of 15 flocks, the mortalities rates at the end of 78 weeks of age was 16 % and also, the current egg-production, average egg weight, hen housed day, hen housed egg and percent peak of egg-production were: 68 %,59.2 gm, 68.4%, 318, 78% and 70%, respectively.
The efficacy of the most common disinfectants against Salmonella typhymurium was determined. The selected disinfectants were; Formalin, Phenol, QAC, Halamid, Virkon'S and Micro Sept M against Salmonella typhymurium isolates of the studied commercial egg- layers in Egypt (hfq gene of Salmonella typhimurium). It was observed that, S. typhimurium affected significantly only by Micro Sept M and Virkon'S, at low rate of application; the Log 10 of populations after15 mint exposure were 4.2, 4.4, respectively the recovered results showed also, that: Formalin, Phenol, Micro Sept M and Virkon'S treatment demonstrated a significant reduction in Salmonella typhymurium populations at high rate of application. It is evident from the results using formalin, phenols and QAC at concentration of 4% ,5% and 33.3 % by fogging other than spraying had increased action on the tested pathogens S. typhimurium after 15 min contact time (35.7%,42.8 % and 76.8%, respectively).
Salmonella typhymurium; Egg -Layer Flocks; Performance; Disinfection; Method of Application
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