Genetic factors associated to sports performance

Brandon Emmanuel Torres Meraz 1, *, Nelly Xiadani Serrano Martínez 1, Alejandro Flores Monárrez 1, Emilio Ballín Acevedo 1 and Brissia Lazalde Medina 2

1 Faculty of Medicine and Nutrition, Juárez University of the State of Durango, Av. Universidad & Fanny Anitúa w/o no. Postal code 34,000. Durango, Dgo., Mexico.
2 Department of Genetics, Faculty of Medicine and Nutrition, Juárez University of the State of Durango, United States.
Review Article
GSC Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 19(03), 040–044.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscarr.2024.19.3.0202
Publication history: 
Received on 18 April 2024; revised on 06 June 2024; accepted on 08 June 2024
Over the years, sports performance has been associated with several factors that modify the athlete’s capacity to adapt to the effort required to perform such activities. Recent studies prove that these factors correspond not only to the training routines that the athletes follow, but also to genetic characteristics that contribute to a better response of the organism through changes that involve processes like protein synthesis to increase the metabolic rate or the production of the components of contractile machinery. Moreover, the genetic traits found in the athletes allow preventing injuries or conditions that could risk the individual’s life by identifying characteristic markers of these pathologies.
Physical Activity; Sports Performance; Epigenetic Changes; Genetic Variances.
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