Immersive augmented reality strategy in digital smart tourism: A case study of Fujian Province, China

Yi-Sheng Wang *

Professor, College of Journalism and Communication, Minnan Normal University.
Research Article
GSC Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 21(03), 425-431.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscarr.2024.21.3.0517
Publication history: 
Received on 18 November 2024; revised on 26 December 2024; accepted on 28 December 2024
The immersive augmented reality of digital smart tourism is a relatively new tourism strategy that has not been fully explored in tourism academic research. However, it is unclear why the immersive AR strategy of digital smart tourism has attracted so many tourists. Due to our lack of clarity on the strategies that drive tourist behavior, we believe it is crucial to explore these strategies in order to gain a deeper understanding. The purpose of this study is to explore in depth the special context and unique strategy of immersive augmented reality in digital smart tourism, and to propose an insight into interpreting the contextualized experience model. This study conducted field observations through interviews and personal travel to Fujian, China. Research has found a contextualized experiential orientation. The theoretical contribution is the insight into establishing an immersive augmented reality experience model for digital smart tourism.
Immersive augmented reality strategy; Digital smart tourism; Fujian; China
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