Implementing sustainable practices in oil and gas operations to minimize environmental footprint

Andrew Emuobosa Esiri 1, *, Olusile Akinyele Babayeju 2 and Ifeanyi Onyedika Ekemezie 3

1 Independent Researcher, Houston Texas, USA.
2 Nigeria LNG Limited, Nigeria.
3 SPDC, Nigeria.
Review Article
GSC Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 19(03), 112–121.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscarr.2024.19.3.0207
Publication history: 
Received on 30 April 2024; revised on 08 June 2024; accepted on 10 June 2024
The global oil and gas industry faces increasing pressure to minimize its environmental footprint and transition towards sustainable practices. This paper presents an outline for implementing sustainable practices in oil and gas operations to mitigate environmental impacts.  Firstly, the importance of adopting sustainable practices is underscored, highlighting the urgent need to address environmental concerns associated with traditional oil and gas operations. The outline begins with an assessment of current practices, evaluating their environmental impacts and identifying areas for improvement.  A comprehensive sustainable practices framework is then proposed, encompassing the incorporation of renewable energy sources, implementation of technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, enhancement of water management practices, and minimization of waste generation through recycling initiatives. Compliance with environmental regulations is emphasized throughout.  Case studies are presented to illustrate successful implementation of sustainable practices in oil and gas operations, providing insights and lessons learned. Economic feasibility and social considerations are also examined, acknowledging the importance of balancing environmental stewardship with economic viability and stakeholder engagement. An implementation plan outlines steps for setting clear goals, developing timelines, allocating resources, and establishing monitoring mechanisms.  In conclusion, this paper advocates for the adoption of sustainable practices in oil and gas operations as a means to mitigate environmental impacts, enhance operational efficiency, and uphold social responsibility in the face of growing environmental challenges.
Sustainable Practices; Oil and Gas Operations; Minimize Environmental Footprint
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