Market garden efficiency and farmer empowerment in the urban and peri-Urban area of San Pedro for food security in Côte d'Ivoire

HIEN Victorine *, DIOMANDE Souleymane, ADECHINA Olayossimi, DJYH Bernard Nazaire and OUATTARA Karamoko

Department of Agriculture, Fishery Resources and Agroindustry, University of San Pedro, Côte d'Ivoire.
Research Article
GSC Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 16(02), 032–037.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscarr.2023.16.2.0325
Publication history: 
Received on 19 June 2023; revised on 31 July 2023; accepted on 02 August 2023
The aim of the study was to assess the effectiveness of market garden crops in the urban and peri-urban area of San Pedro, Côte d'Ivoire, and to determine their contribution to the empowerment of market gardeners and to food security in the region. The sample was carried out on 50 market gardeners spread over 5 production sites, with a cumulative cultivated area of 16.6 hectares. The results show that thirteen (13) crops are grown, of which four are specifically grown by women, six are specifically grown by men and three are grown jointly by women and men. Short cycles are predominantly managed by women, while long cycles are dominated by men. The best gross margins were observed for eggplant cultivation in periods of scarcity and abundance. The study also revealed constraints linked to market gardening practices, as well as to fertilizer types and use. These results could be useful for improving market gardening practices in the region and boosting food security. This should help public policy-makers to make the right decisions.
Food Security; Market Gardening; Urban and Peri-Urban Areas; Constraints; San Pedro
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