Mode of water governance in the department of Couffo in the era of decentralization in Benin
EDP/ECD (UAC)/ FASHS (UAC)/ Pierre Pagney Laboratory: Climate, Ecosystem, Water and Development (LACEED)/ University of Abomey-Calavi, 01BP 2009 Cotonou Benin.
Research Article
GSC Advanced Research and Reviews, 2022, 12(03), 207–216.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscarr.2022.12.3.0078
Publication history:
Received on 10 April 2022; revised on 27 September 2022; accepted on 30 September 2022
Water is a precious resource. Its access is a common problem because of its uneven repair on land. The realities of drinking water supply diverge from one environment to another. In Benin, the problem of drinking water supply arises in several localities. The Couffo department is no exception to this reality. This study aims to analyze the different modes of access to water in the era of decentralization in the municipalities of the Couffo department. The methodology adopted is based on documentary research, field surveys and direct observations. At the end of this study, the investigations carried out showed a diversity of modes of access to drinking water in the Couffo department. In addition, 48% of the study population uses water from AEV. The Communes have several AEVs located in the arrondissements and the water is distributed through standpipes in the arrondissements. Also, 35% of the population is unaware of modernized water supply structures. Efforts have been made in the water sector in the Couffo since the country gained international sovereignty. However, although these legal provisions are likely to improve the management of water resources, shortcomings are noted in the application of the texts. Such a situation cannot help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. It is essential to put in place measures to improve the knowledge of the populations of the department of Couffo in water supply structures for greater accessibility.
Access to water; Supply structures; Couffo Department; Benin
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