Nephrolithiasis in Crohn's disease patients: A review of the literature

George Trad 1, *, Sukhjinder Chauhan 1, Matthew Brockway 2, Victoria Diaz 1 and Gemil, Hatim 1

1 Department of Internal Medicine Sunrise Health GME Consortium 2880 N Tenaya Way 2 nd Floor Las Vegas, NV, USA.
2 Faculty Attending, Department of Internal Medicine Sunrise Health GME Consortium Las Vegas, NV, USA.
Review Article
GSC Advanced Research and Reviews, 2022, 11(01), 031–036.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscarr.2022.11.1.0094
Publication history: 
Received on 09 February 2022; revised on 30 March 2022; accepted on 01 April 2022
Crohn’s disease is a complex chronic inflammatory disease of the digestive tract. Crohn’s disease presents with extraintestinal complications, such as nephrolithiasis. Patients with Crohn’s disease are at a higher risk of developing nephrolithiasis; however, there are preventative measures that can be taken to reduce their risk. This article provides a brief review of prevalence, risk factors, pathophysiology, presentation, and management of nephrolithiasis in Crohn’s disease patients. In addition, it explains the preventative measures that can be taken to reduce the incidence of nephrolithiasis in Crohn’s disease patients.
Crohn’s Disease; Nephrolithiasis; Presentation; Risk Factors; Prevention
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