Post-polypectomy syndrome: An infrequent complication
1 Third year General Surgery Resident, Fundación Clínica Médica Sur. Tlalpan, Mexico City.
2 Undergraduate Medical Intern, Fundación Clínica Médica Sur, Tlalpan, Mexico City.
3 General Surgery Attending Physician, Fundación Clínica Médica Sur. Tlalpan, Mexico City.
4 Attending Physician of the specialty course of General Surgery, Fundación Clínica Médica Sur, Tlalpan, Mexico City.
5 Attending Physician of the specialty course of General Surgery, Fundación Clínica Médica Sur, Tlalpan, Mexico City.
Case Study
GSC Advanced Research and Reviews, 2020, 04(02), 046-050.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscarr.2020.4.2.0068
Publication history:
Received on 13 August 2020; revised on 22 August 2020; accepted on 28 August 2020
Post-polypectomy syndrome is a rare complication of polypectomy with electrocautery and is characterized by a transmural burn of the colon wall. Patients typically present within 12 hours after the procedure with symptoms mimicking colonic perforation. We present the case of a 45-year-old female who developed abdominal pain seven hours after colonoscopy during which polypectomy was performed using electrocoagulation. CT imaging of the abdomen revealed circumferential thickening of the wall of the colon without evidence of free air. The patient was treated conservatively as and had resolution of his pain over the following days. Recognition of the diagnosis and understanding of the treatment are important to avoid unnecessary exploratory laparotomy or hospitalization.
Colonoscopy; Intestinal Polyposis; Complications
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