Posture modification through Sunjeevan Yoga
Director and Yoga Therapist, Yoga Plus, Pune, India
Yoga Therapist and Professor, Kabir Baug Math Sanstha, Pune, India
GSC Advanced Research and Reviews, 2020, 05(03), 053-058.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscarr.2020.5.3.0124
Publication history:
Received on 08 December 2020; revised on 15 December 2020; accepted on 17 December 2020
In this twentieth century with dynamic changing lifestyle, more towards sedentary, growing technologies, crazy working hours, pressures, deadline, competition, responsibilities and eventually growing stress is reason for growing physical and pathological disorders. This is also the cause of early pathological disorders. One becomes victim of wrong posture due to monotonous routine, improper work environment and lack of exercises. We are conscious about our health and follow specific fitness regime and diet, but awareness of body and its structure is also equally important. We are conscious about our external look, but we ignore internal beauty of our body. Maintaining balance of well-arranged body created by the environment and our energy should be well preserved. Yoga plays an important role in creating this awareness, posture practice to keep us physically healthy, meditation to keep our mind healthy and raj yoga teaches us to have insight to know the goal of our soul which is ‘peace’.
This article emphasis on posture awareness through posture modification. It emphasis on what is posture modification and how it can be achieved through posture correction. It explains the importance of posture correction and how important is body awareness with reference to effect of gravitation force on our body, to bring change in our body to maintain symmetry/ balance and preserve it. It also covers Ashtanga yoga, 8 limbs of yoga which is the best guide to teach us how to live our life, with systematic progression in setting up our goals towards the purpose of our life. When I say understanding of the body that also includes understanding of our daily routine and the flow of posture correction from foot to toe and flow of the yoga therapy which goes after identification of the problem. The article also mentions few important facts in this article, Kids learn through imitating our behavior physically and socially. Gaining knowledge and wisdom is fate, passing this knowledge to next generation is our responsibility.
As the topic says, principles of Sunjeevan Yoga are explained throughout the article. Just like various schools of Yoga, Sunjeevan Yoga is also a school of Yoga which has main aspect as Yoga Therapy using different Hatta yoga asnaas and props to treat patient with various physical deformity and supportive therapy to pathological disorders. Keeping the base of Patanjali yoga sutra as philosophy behind Sunjeevan Yoga therapy, it works more on body and mind awareness.
To summarize, Lifestyle Management is crucial and is need of an hour. This can be achieved through Yoga, that is awareness of body and mind. Lifestyle management is spending quality time at work, family, friends, and oneself. How well we manage our body and mind that is physical and virtual health and how we primacies our priorities. Yoga is just not just stretching and postures, but yoga is posture recognition and modification, stretching with awareness.
Yoga; Mind; Soul; Body awareness; Posture Correction; Posture Modification; Rehabilitation; Rejuvenation; Yoga Therapy
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