Prevalence and risk factors for peripheral arterial disease in adults with systemic hypertension in Southern Nigeria
1 Cardiology unit, Department of Internal Medicine Rivers State University Teaching Hospital, 6-8 Harley Street, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria.
2 Gastroenterology/Hepatology unit, Department of Internal Medicine Rivers State University Teaching Hospital, 6-8 Harley Street, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria
Research Article
GSC Advanced Research and Reviews, 2022, 10(03), 098–103.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscarr.2022.10.3.0082
Publication history:
Received on 11 February 2022; revised on 13 March 2022; accepted on 15 March 2022
Aims: Atherosclerotic peripheral arterial disease affects quality of life and is used as a marker for atherosclerosis in the coronary and cerebral arteries. The ankle brachial pressure index can be used for identifying persons with peripheral arterial disease. This study aims to determine the prevalence of peripheral arterial disease in a cohort of hypertensive patients using the ankle brachial pressure index as well as identify the risk factors associated with PAD.
Methods: One hundred and sixty hypertensive subjects and a commensurate number of age and sex matched apparently healthy controls were evaluated. Assessment of PAD was made using the history, physical examination and measurement of the ankle brachial pressure index. Chi square (χ2) and Student t tests were used to assess statistically differences between categorical and continuous variables respectively. Correlation and regression analysis was used to assess the risk factors for PAD in hypertension.
Results: The mean age of the cases with systemic hypertension was 56.3 ± 8.2 years with a range of 42-72 years. There was a female preponderance with a female: male ratio of 1.8:1 as 64.4% of the cases were females and 35.6% were males. The prevalence of PAD using the ABPI was 11% in hypertensives and risk factors were determined to be increasing age (p=0.026), duration of hypertension (p=0.011), and BMI (p=0.008).
Conclusion: This study highlights the presence of PAD in adult hypertensive patients and identifies the risk factors associated with PAD.
PAD; Hypertension; ABPI; Intermittent claudication
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