The prevalence of pathogenic E coli in food sold at government primary schools in Kombo central district, the Gambia using biochemical tests

Fatoumata Njim 1, Abdoulie Nanko 1, Evelyn Anuli Uyamadu 1, * and Lamin B.S Dibba 2

 1 Department of Public and Environmental Health, School of Medicine and Allied Health Science, The University of the Gambia.
 2 Department of Biology, School of Arts and Science, University of The Gambia.
Research Article
GSC Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 20(02), 180–191.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscarr.2024.20.2.0299
Publication history: 
Received on 01 July 2024; revised on 16 August 2024; accepted on 19 August 2024
Background: Recently, pathogenic bacteria have evolved that can contaminate food and, when consumed by people, frequently result in life-threatening illnesses. The study aimed to detect and determine the prevalence of pathogenic E coli in food sold at government primary schools in the Kombo Central district using biochemical tests.
Methods: This was a cross-sectional study in which 104 food samples were collected using the aseptic method and laboratory analysis was done to determine the prevalence of pathogenic E. coli using the biochemical method.
Results: Out of the 104 analyzed food samples, 92.3% of food samples had microbial contamination, 43.3% of food samples had extremely high microbial count (≥ 107cfu/g), and all food types showed microbial contamination with no significant difference. E. coli was detected in 34 samples (32.7 %). The “Gorong” soup sample type had the highest percentage of E. coli contamination (75 %), followed by the steamed fish food sample type (50 %). Ice (local beverage) had the least E. coli contamination (15.8 %). Of the 34 isolated E. coli, 73.5 % were found to be pathogenic and biofilm-producing while 26.5 % were non-pathogenic and non-biofilm-producing E. coli. Percentage wise “gorong” soup has the highest prevalence (75.0%) of pathogenic E. coli followed by steamed fish sauce (44.4%), Cake (33.3%), and Puff-puff 33%.
Conclusion: There was a considerably high prevalence of pathogenic E. coli therefore all food vendors should be trained/educated and certified on food hygiene and safety practices before he/she starts operating as food vendors to reduce this microbial contamination.
Prevalence; Pathogenic E. coli; Food; Biochemical test; Government primary schools
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