PTCC with saline-heparin flushing as therapeutic approach in pediatric biliary stenosis: A Case Reports

Lily Suherly 1, *, Yudo Rantung 1, Prasetyo Sarwono Putro 1, Widiastuti Soewondo 1 and Evi Rokhayati 2

1 Department of Radiology, Dr. Moewardi Hospital/ Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Negeri Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia.
2 Department of Pediatric, Dr. Moewardi Hospital/ Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Negeri Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia.
Case Study
GSC Advanced Research and Reviews, 2022, 13(01), 058–061.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscarr.2022.13.1.0261
Publication history: 
Received on 03 September 2022; revised on 06 October 2022; accepted on 09 October 2022
Introduction: Infants usually presented with jaundice in their early life, some jaundice is physiological but some are pathological, caused by abnormality in the biliary tree. PTCC is a less invasive procedure to diagnose and exclude biliary atresia from neonates with jaundice.
Case Presentation: Our patients are infants with a prolonged jaundice consulted to our department for diagnostic purpose to determine the further treatment. Cholangiography result shows a narrowed biliary duct in both patients. Saline combined with heparin flushing seems to have immediate effect on the narrowed biliary duct.
Conclusion: PTCC with saline flushing combine with heparin proved to be effective as therapeutic strategy in biliary stenosis cases.
PTCC; Saline heparin flushing; Biliary stenosis, Jaundice; Cholangiography
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