A radiographic survey of bone fractures at Celian Clinic, Ughelli in Delta State, Nigeria

Ese Anibor 1, Martins Obaroefe 1, * and Joy Elo Shagamu 1

Department of Human Anatomy and Cell Biology, Delta State University Abraka, Nigeria.
Research Article
GSC Advanced Research and Reviews, 2021, 07(01), 117–122.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscarr.2021.7.1.0028
Publication history: 
Received on 19 February 2021; revised on 10 April 2021; accepted on 14 April 2021
Background: Fracture is a commonly associated medical condition with osteological structures. It is caused as a result of high stress or impact forces acting on bone. This study is aimed at evaluating the types and prevalence of bone fractures in Celian Clinic, Ughelli in Delta State, Nigeria.
Materials and Methods: This survey is a one-year retrospective study which comprised 256 patients (160 males and 96 females) managed at Celian Clinic. Ethical Consent was obtained from the Research and Ethics Committee of Human Anatomy and Cell Biology Department, Delta State University, Abraka. Data were sourced from the Orthopaedic Department and patient’s information such as age, sex, cause and bones fractured. Data were analysed and chi-square test used in evaluating relationship between variables.
Results: Findings showed males (62.5%) having a higher prevalence of facture than females (37.5%). It was also observed femur (19.9%) was the most prevalent bone fractured which was followed by tibia/fibula (16.0%). Findings also indicated individuals within the ages of 21-40years (37.9%) was the most affected followed by age group of 41-60years (29.3%). Results also showed road traffic accidents (62.5%) were the most predominant causes which was followed by fracture with unknown aetiology (19.9%) with the least causative factor being assault (2.0%). Significant association with a p-value of 0.004 was observed in a test of association between age and class of bone fracture.
Conclusion: In conclusion it was observed that bone fractures had a higher predisposition to the male gender (62.5%) than the female (37.5%) with its commonest etiological factor being road traffic accident (62.5%).
Bone; Cause of fracture; Types of fracture; Radiograph
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