Reasons and consequences of river water pollution and their remediation: In context of Bangladesh

Jyoti Das 1, Nanda Karmaker 2 and Ruhul A. Khan 2, *

1 Khulna City Medical College, Khulna, Bangladesh.
2 Water Analysis Laboratory, Institute of Radiation and Polymer Technology, Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Review Article
GSC Advanced Research and Reviews, 2021, 07(01), 023-024.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscarr.2021.7.1.0066
Publication history: 
Received on 21 February 2021; revised on 27 March 2021; accepted on 29 March 2021
As the population grows and the uncontrolled industrialization, urbanization rises as well, it is high time we should give proper attention to the fact of river pollution in our country which is deploying harmful impacts both on human health and environmental, aquatic ecosystem. A plethora of studies have been done on different aspects of river water pollution. In this paper a thorough discussion regarding this fact has been presented compiling a number of important studies on it. Major causes behind this pollution have been mentioned widely, like improper management of industrial and sewage effluents. However, to detect this contamination in the major rivers of Bangladesh, various studies have been done to see the physicochemical properties of the water, such as pH, turbidity, color, odor, DO, TOD, COD, TSS, EC, dissolved metal, and other chemical and bacteriological substances etc. The microorganisms within the water are the prime sources to cause different water borne diseases like Diarrhea, Cholera, Scabies and Asthma. To find out the remedies to this problem, urgent emphasis should be given on preventive measures and to take appropriate steps to halt and improve the existing pollution of the rivers. A lot of water treatment systems are being practiced throughout the world to restore the health of the rivers as well as to reuse the waste water. Though the systems are not much popular in Bangladesh, the government should facilitates the practice of them extensively and strengthen the laws against environmental pollution. 
Water Pollution; River of Bangladesh; Water-borne Diseases; Water Quality Parameter; Water Treatment.
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