RegTech Solutions: Enhancing compliance and risk management in the financial industry
1 Harbert College of Business, Auburn University, USA.
2 Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management, East Tennessee State University, USA.
3 School of management, Yale University, USA.
4 Department of Animal Science, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, USA.
Review Article
GSC Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 20(02), 008–015.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscarr.2024.20.2.0295
Publication history:
Received on 23 June 2024; revised on 02 August 2024; accepted on 04 August 2024
In recent years, the financial industry has faced increasingly stringent regulatory requirements, driven by factors such as increased scrutiny following the 2008 financial crisis, rapid technological developments and improving market dynamics they needed to improve. Traditional compliance approaches, often manual, labor intensive and expensive, have proven inadequate to cope with the scale and complexity of today’s regulatory requirements. Consequently, there has been a growing demand for innovative solutions that can not only meet these demands but also enhance operational efficiency and strategic decision-making.
Regulatory Technology (RegTech) has emerged as an enabling force in this environment, delivering advanced technology solutions designed to streamline regulatory processes, improve transparency and reduce risk. RegTech leverages cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), blockchain, and big data analytics to transform how financial institutions manage compliance and risk.
This review paper looks at RegTech solutions as they stand now, analyzing how they affect the financial sector and highlighting the major breakthroughs that are propelling this change. We examine how RegTech is changing risk management and compliance procedures, giving organizations more flexibility and efficiency in navigating the intricate regulatory environment. The review paper also explores the obstacles and constraints that RegTech must overcome, including the requirement for regulatory uniformity, integration problems, and data privacy concerns.
The study looks ahead, discussing potential paths for RegTech research and development. We examine cutting-edge developments in AI and ML, the significance of international cooperation and moral AI practices, and the fusion of RegTech and Supervisory Technology (SupTech). We want to give a thorough grasp of how RegTech is solving present regulatory difficulties and laying the groundwork for a more resilient and compliant financial industry by covering these topics. This investigation demonstrates RegTech's disruptive potential and emphasizes how important it is to maintain compliance, build trust, and promote steady development in the financial industry.
Compliance Automation; Risk Mitigation; Financial Regulations; Artificial Intelligence; Blockchain Technology; Big Data Analytics
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