The Relationship between Congenital Hearing Loss Risk Factors and Outcomes of Otoacoustic Emission Screening Test in Neonates at Dr. Zainoel Abidin Hospital (RSUDZA) Banda Aceh

Srifia Wardianti 1, *, Dina Alia 1, Lily Setiani 1, Darnifayanti 2, Azwar Ridwan 1, Fadhlia 1 and Rachmad Suhanda 3

1 Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Syiah Kuala/Dr.Zainoel Abidin Hospital, Banda Aceh, Indonesia.
2 Department of Pediatric, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Syiah Kuala/Dr. Zainoel Abidin Hospital, Banda Aceh, Indonesia.
3 Department of Public Health and Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Syiah Kuala/Dr.Zainoel Abidin Hospital, Banda Aceh, Indonesia.
Research Article
GSC Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 21(03), 029–039.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscarr.2024.21.3.0421
Publication history: 
Received on 27 September 2024; revised on 29 November 2024; accepted on 02 December 2024
Background: Congenital hearing loss is deafness that occurs before childbirth. Infant hearing impairment can affect speech, language, cognitive, social, and emotional problems. Otoacoustic Emission (OAE) screening test was used for early detection of hearing function.
Objective: To determine the relationship between congenital hearing loss risk factors and outcomes of Otoacoustic Emission screening test in neonates at RSUDZA Banda aceh.
Methods: Case control study in Perinatology and Neonatology Intensive Care Unit RSUDZA on April-Jun 2022. Study sample carried out on 80 respondents consist of 40 case group (pass) and 40 control group (refer). The risk factors which were researched including Low Birth Weight (LBW), premature, hyperbilirubinemia, low APGAR score, craniofacial anomalies, staying in NICU more than 5 days, and family history of congenital deafness. Each group was analyzed using Chi-Square test or Fisher's exact test and the Ods ratio was calculated.
Result: There were four risk factors that had a significant relationship (p<0.05), such as Low Birth Weight (OR=0.294), hyperbilirubinemia (OR=0.103), low APGAR score (OR=0.107), and craniofacial anomalies (p=0.026). LBW is the most significant risk factor.
Conclusion: Low birth weight, hyperbilirubinemia, low APGAR scores, and craniofacial anomalies are risk factors for referral results on OAE screening test in neonates.
Congenital hearing loss; Otoacoustic emission; Risk factor of congenital hearing loss; Early detection
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