A Review on the properties and applications of biodegradable polymers

MA Sayed Patwary 1, Kazi M Maraz 1, Shahirin Shahida 2, Arwah Ahmed 1 and Ruhul A Khan 1, *

1 Institute of Radiation and Polymer Technology, Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
2 Department of Mechatronics Engineering, Kyungsung University, 309 Suyeong-ro, Nam-gu, Busan 48434, Republic of Korea.
Review Article
GSC Advanced Research and Reviews, 2021, 09(01), 013–027.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscarr.2021.9.1.0218
Publication history: 
Received on 24 August 2021; revised on 03 October 2021; accepted on 05 October 2021
Biodegradable polymers have become one of the major discussable matters and considered as the most viable alternative to the traditional plastic materials among the researchers in the modern world. To keep the environmental issues in mind, innovation of environment-friendly products for our daily usage the utilization of degradable materials is increasing at a high rate. The modern world wants sustainable products which will not bring about any harm to the environment. Most of the common sustainable products are made from plastics but the main drawback of using these products is they are resistant to degradation which is a great threat to our environment. After the end of our usage, this material can sustain for a long time without any degradation which causes a supreme level of loss to our environment. The materials which are not biodegradable cause great pollution especially soil pollution. So, to protect the environment from the ruthless ridicule of pollution it has become a crying need for us to use biodegradable materials as a viable alternative to plastics. As a result, researchers are investing their time into modifying the biodegradable materials incorporated with the most common being starch and fiber extracted from various types of plants that can be easily degraded in the environment. Biodegradable materials contain almost all the properties which are suitable for our environment. Already these materials have been using in several sectors and showing their applications for their friendly properties. This paper focused on the properties and application area of biodegradable properties in detail.
Biodegradable; Sustainable; Bio-organisms; Synthetic polymers; Bio-polymers.
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