Robotic surgery in pharyngolaryngeal cancer and sleep apnea syndrome: Our experience

Navarrete ML *, Raineri M, Fuentes JF, Pujol M, Rojas C, Tabernero R, Fernández C, Lorente Piera J and Lorente J.

ENT Department, Vall d´Hebron Hospital, Barcelona, Spain.
Research Article
GSC Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 15(02), 142–147.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscarr.2023.15.2.0159
Publication history: 
Received on 18 April 2023; revised on 25 May 2023; accepted on 27 May 2023
Head and neck cancer is a complex pathology whose incidence has increased in recent years. The primary treatment is surgery, which involves extensive and mutilating interventions through the cervical region, leaving significant anatomofunctional sequelae.
Since 2009, the use of robotic surgery using the Da Vinci® system has been consensus for resecting oropharyngeal and supraglottic tumors through transoral surgery. Subsequently, its utility has also been observed in the surgery of patients with Sleep Apnea Syndrome (SAS).
The advantages of this technique are based on the improved and early recovery of the patients.
This article presents our experience in the management and postoperative care of this surgical technique for both oncological pathology and sleep apnea pathology.
Transoral surgery; Robotic surgery; Postoperative recovery; Pharyngolaryngeal cancer; Sleep apnea syndrome.
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