Sedentarization of nomadic pastoralists and conflict with the inhabitants: Case of the forest of the 9th district of N'Djamena

Gassina Pierre 1 and Idriss Moussa Gaddoum 2

1 Department of Land Use Planning, University of Sciences and Technology of Ati (USTA), BP: 20 Ati, Chad.
2 Departement of remote sensing and GIS, National Center of Research and Development (NCRD), BP: 1228, N’Djamena, Chad.
Research Article
GSC Advanced Research and Reviews, 2022, 13(03)059–069.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscarr.2022.13.3.0341
Publication history: 
Received on 18 October 2022; revised on 28 November 2022; accepted on 01 December 2022
The study focuses on the process of Sedentarization of nomads on the outskirts of the city of N'Djamena, which is spreading and modifies the way of life of the population through the monopolization of lands belonging to public domain of the State. The objective of this study is to understand how nomads settle around the city. Three years of monitoring, from October 2019 to October 2022, and a three-month survey (September to December) of 67 nomads and 90 sedentary households were conducted. The survey covered only 2 quartiers, namely Walia and Toukra. 35.8% of the nomads have settled and 64.2% continue to be nomads, while maintaining shelters under the forest to store their materials during the rainy season. 26.67% of farmers grow both market gardening and sorghum, 33.33% grow sorghum exclusively and 40% grow only market gardening. These activities are the main sources of income and food for these people. The sale of milk and small ruminants is also source of income for herders. A better understanding of the sedentary system of the nomads and an integrated management of the space around the town will allow us to envisage mechanisms to mitigate possible conflicts between farmers and herders.
Sedentarization; Nomadic pastoralists; Urban growth; Walia forest; N’Djamena
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