Study on diel variation and effect of anthropogenic activities on birds

Priya Gaur 1, Praveer Pandey 2, Pramila Kori 3 and Santosh Gaherwal 4, *

1 Institute of Biological Science Sage University Indore (M.P.) India.
2 Department of Zoology, Government College, Mandleshwar (M.P.), India.
3 Department of Chemistry, Government Holkar (Model, Autonomous) Science College, Indore (M.P.), India.
4 Department of Zoology, Government Holkar (Model, Autonomous) Science College, Indore (M.P.), India.
Research Article
GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2022, 11(01), 021–030.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscarr.2022.11.1.0087
Publication history: 
Received on 24 February 2022; revised on 29 March 20222; accepted on 31 March 2022
Background: It has been claimed that the turndown of insect population due to strengthening agriculture may have led to a reduction in the number of farmland birds some autecological studies support this postulate. Insect abundance is significantly associated with bird density measures large scale invertebrate sampling was done using suction traps and results showed that with time as food quality and quantity changes there is a decline in farmland birds.
Method: The study was conducted for a period of one year, point count method was adopted to record these parameters. Relevant field guides were used to identify observed bird and insect species. Several avian species were seen preying on several insects. Such instances were listed and we also concluded about the insectivorous nature of several avian species based on sightings.
Results: In all the four sites collectively, order Lepidoptera of Insect fauna is dominant in all the four study sites. Several anthropogenic stresses were reported in the present study, these activities should be checked regularly and must be prohibited. During three time slots, the activity of birds was recorded and family wise bird activity were observed. Results showed that there were few species common in all the three-time slots and some disparity was recorded in their availability in the morning, noon, and evening respectively.
Indore; Avifaunal Diversity; Indices; Urban; Line transect
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