Sustainable procurement practices: Balancing compliance, ethics, and cost-effectiveness

Victor Ibukun Adebayo 1, *, Patience Okpeke Paul 2 and Nsisong Louis Eyo-Udo 3

1 Global Technical Advisor, Health Supply Chain Management, Catholic Relief Services, USA.
2 Henry Jackson Foundation Medical Research International Ltd/Gte, Nigeria.
3 Ulster University, United Kingdom.
Review Article
GSC Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 20(01), 098–107
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscarr.2024.20.1.0247
Publication history: 
Received on 29 May 2024; revised on 06 July 2024; accepted on 08 July 2024
Sustainable procurement, the acquisition of goods and services that ensures positive environmental, social, and economic impacts, is essential for contemporary business practices. This paper explores the integration of compliance, ethics, and cost-effectiveness within sustainable procurement. Compliance is governed by regulatory frameworks like ISO 20400 and government regulations, ensuring adherence to sustainability standards. Ethical procurement upholds fairness, transparency, integrity, and human rights principles, positively impacting stakeholders such as suppliers, employees, and communities. Cost-effectiveness in sustainable procurement brings significant economic benefits, including cost savings, efficiency gains, and long-term financial advantages. A holistic approach integrating these elements is crucial for developing a sustainable procurement strategy. Organizations are encouraged to prioritize sustainable procurement by developing clear policies, engaging stakeholders, providing training, managing suppliers effectively, and leveraging technology. The paper concludes that balancing these three aspects fosters trust among stakeholders, enhances brand reputation, and ensures long-term operational efficiency, contributing to broader sustainability goals and driving overall organizational success.
Sustainable procurement; Compliance; Ethics; Cost-Effectiveness; Supply chain management
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