The use of Styrax officinalis L. in folk medicine and chemical composition

Cenk PAŞA *

Department of Plant and Animal Production, Balıkesir University, Altınoluk Vocational School, Medicinal and Aromatical Plant Programme, Altınoluk, Edremit, Balıkesir, Turkey.
Review Article
GSC Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 17(03), 086–089.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscarr.2023.17.3.0462
Publication history: 
Received on 31 October 2023; revised on 10 December 2023; accepted on 13 December 2023
Styrax officinalis L. species is a shrub-shaped plant belonging to the Styracaceae family, distributed in Central America, Southeast Europe, Southwest Asia and the Mediterranean region.
The Styracaceae family consists of small trees and shrubs mostly distributed in tropical and subtropical regions. The genus Styrax differs from other genera of this family in that it produces a resinous substance that is usually secreted when the bark and stems are damaged. The resin of the Styrax officinalis L. species, which was called “storax” in the past, is used in traditional medicine in the Mediterranean basin, especially for antiseptic purposes and against respiratory diseases. It is also used externally medicinally, to heal skin wounds and to treat scabies. In Latin America it is used as an antiseptic, expectorant and also for the treatment of heart diseases, stroke, leprosy, constipation and bronchitis.
The leaves, fruits, resin, fruit peels, flowers and seeds of Styrax officinalis have natural products rich in various biological properties. It has been determined that the herbal materials, crude extracts and isolated chemical components of the plant are used biologically and pharmacologically. As a result of this research; cardiovascular diseases, tuberculosis, edema, paralysis, leprosy, constipation, skin wounds, scabies, skin rash, diphtheria, intestinal ulcers, acute earache, toothache, eye inflammations, kidney and bladder pain, diphtheria, leukorrhoea have been revealed to be an important medicinal plant used in the treatment of malignant tumors, fever and respiratory diseases.
Styrax officinalis; Styracaceae; Folk Medicine; Medicinal and Aromatic Plants; Essential oil
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