Effect of Aqueous Extract of chirata in alloxan-induced diabetic rat model

Protik kumar Sarker 1, Rakibul Islam 1, Bazlar Rashid 1, Sumon Sarkar 1, Misrat Masuma Parvez 1, Niamul Shahadat 1, Fahima Binte Aziz 1, Mushfika tabassum 3 and saroj Kumar Yadav 2, *

1 Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, Faculty of Veterinary and Animal science, Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University, Dinajpur-5200, Bangladesh.
2 Department of medicine and surgery, Chittagong veterinary and animal’s sciences university, Chittagong, Bangladesh.
3 Faculty of veterinary medicine, Chittagong veterinary and animal’s sciences university, Chittagong, Bangladesh.
Research Article
GSC Advanced Research and Reviews, 2022, 12(02), 189–197.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscarr.2022.12.2.0215
Publication history: 
Received on 11 July 2022; revised on 19 August 2022; accepted on 21 August 2022
The present study was performed for evaluating the anti-diabetogenic effect of chirata extract in alloxen induced rat model which has rarely been done by any researcher previously. Diabetes was induced by injecting Alloxen (ALX) @ 120 mg/kg body weight subcutaneously to swiss albino mice. The sixteen rats were divided into four groups named Group A (non-diabetic) for the negative control, Group B (diabetic)  for positive control, Group C treated with aqueous extract of chirata@ 125 mg/kg body wt and Group D treated with metformin (anti-diabetic drugs) @150 mg/kg body wt.). The duration of the experiment was 16 (sixteen) days. Finally, the research showed that the final body weight of positive control (diabetes induction) Group B  (43.0±0.90) was significantly decreased from the treatment of negative control Group A (43.5±1.80) and similarly followed by treatment with a synthetic anti-diabetic agent such as metformin group D (44.50±1.70) and herbal drugs as chirata treatment Group C (44.0±1.95).  The creatinine level in Group A, B, C and D were 0.85±0.07 mg/dL, 1.15±0.07 mg/dL, 0.95±0.08 mg/dL and 0.9±0.14 mg/dL respectively. The SGPT level in Group A, B, C, and D was 19±1.41 U/L, 27.44±2.82 U/L, 26.5±2.12 U/L, and 20.5± 2.12 U/L respectively. The SGOT level in Group A,B,C and D were 30±2.82 g/dL, 90±3.53 g/dL, 70±1.41 g/dL and 45±2.83 g/dL respectively. In alloxen-induced mice, a fall in SGPT levels was observed in the groups treated with aqueous extract of Chirata and Metformin. Aqueous extract of Chirata decreased SGOT levels compared with a diabetic control group. The body weight of the swiss albino mice was increased significantly in those treated with chirata extraction in the diabetic group. The synthetic drug metformin-treated group improved the body weight of the swiss albino mice model. The antihyperglycemic activity of aqueous extract of Chirata is comparatively lower than the synthetic anti-diabetic drugs such as metformin. Thus the above observations suggested that extracts, from Swertia chirata possess anti-diabetic principal and can presumably be used for the treatment of diabetes mellitus.
Chirata; Anti-diabetogenic; Rat model; Traditional plants
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