The risks associated with using the web to look up medical information
Department of Criminology, Ashkelon Academic College, Yitshak Ben Zvi St 12, Ashkelon, Israel.
Review Article
GSC Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 17(03), 145–155
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscarr.2023.17.3.0474
Publication history:
Received on 07 November 2023; revised on 16 December 2023; accepted on 19 December 2023
When a person searches for information and clinical data on the Internet, he must be careful about the reality of the information he receives. It is very possible that the data obtained may be useful when the site from which it was sourced is of high quality, but, in some circumstances, may be dangerous to its safety. In view of this situation, it is possible that the person seeking information is influenced by known clinical data and various truths, which can yield a web of materials in the network. When searching with the help of search engines in a network of signs, symptoms and signs, the search engines do not have the power to think, and the search results actually combine results that shape the expressions and the pursuit of uses. Search engines don't think in terms of credibility. Furthermore, the results may ignore a good clinical site that provides important data. In addition, the search may also bring up a Wikipedia article, which is an open forum or someone's non-public weblog. This state of affairs can intensify confusion and embarrassment. It is very likely that there is also information that is published with the help of experts from the medical world who are qualified to provide suggestions on the subject and are able to bring reliable information to the public's attention. Therefore, it is appropriate to exercise caution in searching for information on the net and applying it. The risks and benefits must be carefully considered before applying the information obtained by searching the Internet.
Drug abuse; Internet medicine; Medical information; Health
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