Incorporating sustainable engineering practices into supply chain management for environmental impact reduction

Uzoma Okwudili Nnaji 1, *, Lucky Bamidele Benjamin 2, Nsisong Louis Eyo-Udo 3 and Emmanuel Augustine Etukudoh 4

1 Livingstone Integrated Technology Limited, Lagos, Nigeria.
2 Independent Researcher, London, United Kingdom.
3 Ulster University, United Kingdom.
4 Independent Researcher, Abuja, Nigeria.
Review Article
GSC Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 19(02), 138–143.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscarr.2024.19.2.0177
Publication history: 
Received on 01 April 2024; revised on 07 May 2024; accepted on 10 May 2024
This paper explores the imperative integration of sustainable engineering practices into Supply Chain Management (SCM) as a vital strategy for reducing environmental impact. It delves into the multifaceted challenges hindering this integration, including economic constraints, regulatory and compliance issues, technological and infrastructure limitations, and cultural and organizational barriers. Conversely, it outlines strategic approaches for overcoming these obstacles, emphasizing policy and incentive mechanisms, collaboration and partnerships, technology and innovation, and education and awareness. The review highlights the significant potential of sustainable practices to transform SCM, contributing to environmental sustainability, economic efficiency, and social equity.
Sustainable Engineering; Supply Chain Management; Environmental Impact; Sustainability Challenges; Integration Strategies
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