Physicochemical characterization of wastewater from the Niamey National Hospital (NNH) (Niger) and assessment of its impact on the environment

Oumarou Farroukou MOUSTAPHA BELLO *, Hamissou OUMAROU SOULEY and Marou GOUROUZA

Department of chemistry, Faculty of Sciences and technology, Materials Water and Environment Laboratory, Abdou Moumouni University, BP 10662, Niamey, Niger.
Research Article
GSC Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 19(02), 226–229.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscarr.2024.19.2.0168
Publication history: 
Received on 16 April 2024 revised on 22 May 2024; accepted on 24 May 2024
The Niamey National Hospital (NNH) is among the reference hospital in the Niamey region (Niger) to after the quality of care it offers to the population. However, these activities have a negative impact on the quality of the water of the river constituting one of the main sources of water supply for the population of Niamey and gardening activities. This study aims to determine the physicochemical quality of wastewater from the NNH activated sludge treatment plant and its impact on the environment. To carry out this study, twenty (20) wastewater samples were taken at the outlet of the NNH treatment station. The sampling lasted five (5) weeks to take into count fluctuations. The results obtained indicate that the average values of physicochemical parameters such as: the pH (6,91), temperature (27.825°C), conductivity (574.80 µS/cm) and certain heavy metals of this hospital are compliance with national and international standards for wastewater discharge. However, it was noted that the average values ​​obtained at the HNN for copper (1.982 mg/L); zinc (1.077 mg/L); in phosphorus (18.065 mg/L); DCO (808 mgO2/L) and DBO5 (442.5 mgO2/L) do not comply with national and international wastewater discharge standards. These abnormal levels must be treated before being released into the river.
NNH; Wastewater; Wastewater treatment plant; Environment
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