Influence of food tourism on tourist satisfaction and revisit intention in laguna

Emmanuel C. Maraña *, Bernadette Mckenzie M. Cabusay, Christine O. Dela Torre, Alelie P. Rodriguez, Lycel M Ruzol, Trizha Gayle R. De Leon and Sheika Apryl Marc Barrion

Laguna State Polytechnic University, Siniloan, Laguna, Philippines.
Research Article
GSC Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 19(03), 045–057.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscarr.2024.19.3.0191
Publication history: 
Received on 23 April 2024; revised on 31 May 2024; accepted on 03 June 2024
Local food plays a significant role in enhancing the overall experience of tourists, serving as a unique and valuable source of differentiation. Research on food tourism has consistently demonstrated a direct correlation between tourists' expenditures, their level of satisfaction, and their likelihood to revisit a destination. This study aims to examine the influence of food tourism on tourist satisfaction and revisit intention in Laguna. An online survey and questionnaire were distributed, resulting in responses from 250 tourists, obtained using a purposive sampling approach and analyzed with SPSS. The findings indicate that food affordability, cleanliness, tailored menus, and consistent quality are key factors influencing tourist satisfaction in dining experiences. High levels of satisfaction may lead to positive word-of-mouth, increasing revisitation rates and positioning Laguna as a premier food tourism destination. These findings collectively underscore the critical role of food tourism in shaping tourists' satisfaction and their likelihood to revisit food tourism destinations.
Food tourism; Revisit intention; Tourist satisfaction
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